Case Studies...
Below are our articles on the subject of Case Studies. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

I Developed a Goitre: A Case Study
Iodine deficiency used to be one of the most common causes of goitre, a condition in which the thyroid gland swells, until the 1990s when iodine was added in small…...

I Got a Fish Bone Stuck in My Throat: A Case Study
Getting a fish bone stuck in the throat can be terrifying. Thanks her friends, a bone stuck in Evie’s tonsil was removed safely before it could do any serious damage....

I Got Thrush in My Throat: A Case Study
Being run down and having a course of antibiotics can increase your susceptibility to thrush, both vaginal thrush and oral thrush. Anti-fungal lozenges should clear up…...

I Had a Tooth Out and Lost My Sense of Taste: A Case Study
The nerve that carries taste sensations to the brain can be damaged when local anaesthesia is used in dentistry. Sometimes this causes a loss of taste or altered taste....

I Have a Phobia About Taking Pills: A Case Study
Many people have difficulty swallowing pills, usually because of anxiety. If the problem is severe, GPs often recommend liquid medications if they are available....

My Baby Was Born Tongue Tied : A Case Study
Some babies are born with a tiny piece of skin joining their tongue to the underside of their mouth. It can hamper breast feeding and is released in a quick and simple…...

My Sore Throat Was Caused by Stomach Acid: A Case Study
Acid reflux, when stomach acid escapes back into the oesophagus, can cause inflammation. This leads to heartburn, paid and often a sore throat and persistent cough....

My Tonsils Had to Be Taken Out: Case Study
After years of tonsillitis, Iain was advised by his doctor to have a tonsillectomy to remove his tonsils completely as they were doing him more harm than good....

Shingles Affected My Throat: A Case Study
Shingles occurs when the chicken pox virus reactivates after years of dormancy in the body, causing severe skin blisters. Singles complications are common,…...

Snoring Nearly Ruined My Life: A Case Study
Being overweight can cause very bad snoring with the risk of sleep apnea. As well as losing weight, some behavioural changes and laser treatments can help....

The Role of an ENT Specialist
An ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist is a trained doctor who has specialised in the hospital treatment of health problems that affect these and associated parts of…...