Home > Oral & Throat Cancers

Oral & Throat Cancers...

Below are our articles on the subject of Oral & Throat Cancers. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Cancer of the Larynx
Cancer of the Larynx
Cancer of the larynx is a condition in which the vocal folds and surrounding area develop a cancerous growth....
Cancer of the Mouth
Cancer of the Mouth
Mouth cancer often begins as a painless mouth ulcer that won't heal and is most often seen in tobacco smokers....
Cancer of the Oesophagus
Cancer of the Oesophagus
cancer of the oespophagus means there is a malignant growth in the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach....
Cancer of the Pharynx
Cancer of the Pharynx
Pharyngeal cancer occurs when a malignant growth develops in the area at the back of the nose and throat to the opening of the oesophagus....
Cancer of the Sinus
Cancer of the Sinus
Cancer of the sinus occurs more in men than women but is still a relatively uncommon form of the disease in the UK....
Cancer of the Tongue
Cancer of the Tongue
Cancer of the tongue can be very nasty as it can leave the sufferer with some unpleasant side-effects even if it is treated successfully....
Facts and Figures About Throat Cancer
Facts and Figures About Throat Cancer
Throat cancer is a relatively rare cancer but it still affects around 8000 people per year in the UK. It is treatable by surgery but is difficult to diagnose early....
Gum Cancer: How Common is It?
Gum Cancer: How Common is It?
Gum cancer is a fairly common cancer in some parts of the world because of the association with tobacco and alcohol, but is generally relatively rare, causing about 2%…...
Salivary Gland Cancer: Symptoms and Treatments
Salivary Gland Cancer: Symptoms and Treatments
Salivary gland cancer is a type of oral cancer. It is relatively rare but can become quite advanced before it is diagnosed as the symptoms are often ignored....
Treatments for Throat Cancer
Treatments for Throat Cancer
Throat cancer is a huge risk to smokers and those who drink large amounts of alcohol, with those using both being at the highest risk....