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Lumps in the Throat

By: Jo Johnson - Updated: 28 Apr 2017 | comments*Discuss
Lumps Throat Infection Hormones Thyroid

Lumps in the throat can happen in anyone and do not necessarily mean anything sinister is going on as many people fear.

What Causes Lumps In The Throat?

There are a few reasons why people may feel as though they have a lump in their throat, in fact it is quite common for people to describe their discomfort as having a lump stuck in their throat; this is rarely serious.

One of the main causes for this sensation is when there is an infection present. The neck and throat area contain many lymphatic nodes which are small glands that are responsible for secreting substances that fight infection. In the presence of a throat infection, the nodes often enlarge as they struggle to fight off the germs that are causing the pain. People often describe this to their doctor as having ‘their glands up’.

If you feel as though there is something restricting your swallowing or that there is a definite obstruction in your throat, this may represent something else.

It may be that your thyroid is enlarged which means that it is producing too many hormones and causing the organ to grow, it may also represent a growth of the thyroid which is pressing on your throat and possibly obstructing your oesophagus.

If you can visibly see a lump in your throat or neck and do not have any symptoms of pain, please do see your GP as this may mean there is something quite serious going on.

If you are struggling to breathe at any time, always seek urgent medical help as this is something that will need professional treatment and should not be ignored.

Symptoms Of Lumps In The Throat

Lumps in throat can be either very minor or quite serious. It may be that you simply have what we call a ‘frog in your throat’, which usually means you have some excess mucous stuck at the back of your throat and will need clearing. It may also mean that you have a tickle or an irritation which usually symbolises a developing infection and a sore throat usually soon follows.

Occasionally however the feeling is a lot more grave than this and can seriously impact on normal life. For many a lump in their throat may occur as they have a growth in their neck or airway. This may be tumour and can obstruct the airways or oesophagus in which case it is vital that you seek medical attention for an official diagnosis.

When To Seek Medical Advice

Always seek medical; advice if the following circumstances apply:
  • You have difficultly breathing or feel as though your airways are obstructed.
  • You cannot swallow at all, even sips of fluids.
  • You can visibly see a lump or growth but do not have any pain or throat infection.
  • You have had a throat infection that has not gone away after a week or two has passed.
  • Your have had anti-biotics for a bacterial infection and continue to have symptoms.

Lumps in the throat can also be harmless as it is your body’s natural response to fighting infection. It can however be a sign that there is something else happening in your body and this should be assessed by a doctor to rule out more serious illnesses. More on throat lumps here.

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I'm having trouble swallowing little things, so I stupidly put my finger down my throat and past the flappy bit I can feel quite a large lump I can push. Is that normal? Doesn't hurt.
Kerry - 28-Apr-17 @ 2:31 PM
Have had a cold a few days no sore throat but today discovered a big lump in my throat..
Kayk - 7-Dec-16 @ 12:33 PM
Can a person have tonsil stones if the tonsils have been removed? I always hesitate to Google any type of medical question because 90 percent of the time the diagnosis/information will just be horrific.
Mel - 17-Oct-16 @ 12:47 PM
Jess - Your Question:
For a few days I have felt like something is stuck in my throat, more irritable like a hair. I've just checked in a mirror and noticed directly next to the dangly bit a lump on skin. It's not painful at all but it's so irritating and it feels the same in the throat where I can't see. Should I go the doctors or is this nothing to worry about? It looks like a little skin tag but again no pain whatsoever

Our Response:
It's always worth going to get it checked out. It may have been caused by a scratch from a sharp bone, or ir may be an infection. But if it is still irritating you , a doctor's appointment will ascertain what it is and be able to treat it accordingly.
ThroatProblems - 9-Sep-16 @ 10:11 AM
For a few days I have felt like something is stuck in my throat, more irritable like a hair. I've just checked in a mirror and noticed directly next to the dangly bit a lump on skin. It's not painful at all but it's so irritating and it feels the same in the throat where I can't see. Should I go the doctors or is this nothing to worry about? It looks like a little skin tag but again no pain whatsoever
Jess - 8-Sep-16 @ 12:47 AM
Mamie- Your Question:
Doc found lump in my troath I'm an ex smoker five days now my ear hurts me I'm getting hard to swallow my breathing is a bit hard on me and my throat doesn't hurt what is it

Our Response:
I'm afraid we cannot make a diagnosis online, your doctor would have to do that through an examination.
ThroatProblems - 15-Aug-16 @ 12:58 PM
Doc found lump in my troath I'm an ex smoker five days now my ear hurts me I'm getting hard to swallow my breathing is a bit hard on me and my throat doesn't hurt what is it
Mamie - 14-Aug-16 @ 6:10 PM
I went to the doctors on Monday due to me having what I have for nearly 2 weeks, I feel like my nose is block but I can still breath and talking funny I have a tickly cough and my throat is sore and hurts to swollow, they told me I have a viral infection I woke up this morning to pain on one side of my throat and found two spots there not white just spots, i had my tonsils removed 7 years ago so I know it's not that, I just keep feeling worse every day
Kirsten - 21-Jul-16 @ 2:22 PM
I have small blister type lumps all over the back of my throat and where my tonsils used to be and they are beginning to cause me pain, what could they be? please help! (I've had the lumps for months, but are now causing me pain) also I lost my voice recently as well.
Jo - 25-Apr-16 @ 9:00 PM
Hi, I was Ata work when I felt discomfort in my throat, I went to the bathroom and check in the mirror and I could see a thick lump protruding from the very back of my tongue and it arches downwards. I can see this lump, it's VERY visible when I poke my tongue out. I saw my GP but I don't think she saw it. I cant eat anything solid. I've never had this and a few hours prior to noticing I felt no discomfort at all and was eating fine. It's not on my tonsils it's on the very back of my tongue behind the reflex glands. Thanks in advance! Connor
Connor - 24-Feb-16 @ 1:53 PM
demi??- Your Question:
My throat has be killing for a few days,hurts when I swallow and I'm thinking its mucous but then its really bad in morning and causes me to gag and feel sick through out the day and it keeps me awake a night.i hope. You can help, what medication could help?

Our Response:
I'm afraid we cannot advise on medication - you would have to visit your GP who would make an appropriate diagnosis and prescribe you with medication accordingly.
ThroatProblems - 7-Dec-15 @ 2:10 PM
Allannah - Your Question:
I have lumps at the back of my throat which are continuing down my throat they're very sore and my throat sometimes feels as ifbits clogged s and I struggle to breath. I also struggle to swallow I am also getting regular headaches im 16 and unsure what to do?

Our Response:
You need to visit your GP who will prescribe the appropriate medication to ensure you are on the road to recovery soon.
ThroatProblems - 7-Dec-15 @ 1:49 PM
My throat has be killing for a few days,hurts when I swallow and I'm thinking its mucous but then its really bad in morning and causes me to gag and feel sick through out the day and it keeps me awake a night...i hope. You can help, what medication could help?
demi?? - 5-Dec-15 @ 11:48 PM
I have lumps at the back of my throat which are continuing down my throat they're very sore and my throat sometimes feels as ifbits clogged s and I struggle to breath. I also struggle to swallow i am also getting regular headaches im 16 and unsure what to do?
Allannah - 5-Dec-15 @ 5:53 PM
Mikey - Your Question:
I have 2 lumps t the back of my throat identical on each side of my tonsils. I am 15 and I don't know what to do that hurt a lot when I swallow and I have anxiety so it's scaring me I might have carb wr of something can you help me please?

Our Response:
It is more than likely you have a simple throat infection. If you are concerned, see your GP who will put your mind at rest and prescribe you some medication to help ease the pain.
ThroatProblems - 18-Nov-15 @ 2:22 PM
I have 2 lumps t the back of my throat identical on each side of my tonsils. I am 15 and I don't know what to do that hurt a lot when I swallow and i have anxiety so it's scaring me I might have carb wr of something can you help me please?
Mikey - 17-Nov-15 @ 11:36 PM
Daisy- Your Question:
Well last week I had a sore throat wich then lead to my tonsils being swollen I have now taken medication. Ok so my tonsils are now back to normal but throat still feels sore and now I noticed 2 lumps that look like little pimples idk what they are but every time I try to swallow it hurts really bad I dont know what they are but it is freaking me out any ideas of what it might be. Please help!!

Our Response:
I'm afraid we cannot issue medical advice. It may just be the after effects of your previous illness. However, if you still have the problem, then it may be wise for you to re-visit your GP, if it continues.
ThroatProblems - 16-Nov-15 @ 2:25 PM
Well last week i had a sore throat wich then lead to my tonsilsbeing swollen i have now taken medication. Ok so my tonsilsare now back to normal but throat still feels sore and now i noticed 2 lumps that look like littlepimplesidk what they are but every time i try to swallowit hurts really bad i dont know what they are but it is freaking me out any ideas of what it might be. Please help!!
Daisy - 16-Nov-15 @ 7:04 AM
Jamie - Your Question:
Just under my jaw where my 2 glands are, I been feeling pain in the right gland and everytime I bend down they both tend to hurt, and when I drink my right gland hurts, and when I eat my right gland hurts even more. Even when I turn my head to the very left I feel pain in the right gland. What is this pain I'm experiencing?! Someone tell me!

Our Response:
We can not give medical advice I'm afraid. You should make an appointment to visit your GP if the symptoms persist or worsen.
ThroatProblems - 19-Aug-15 @ 11:57 AM
Just under my jaw where my 2 glands are, I been feeling pain in the right gland and everytime I bend down they both tend to hurt, and when I drink my right gland hurts, and when I eat my right gland hurts even more. Even when I turn my head to the very left I feel pain in the right gland. What is this pain I'm experiencing?! Someone tell me!
Jamie - 18-Aug-15 @ 3:29 PM
@Jet, the best thing to do is go and see your doctor, they will be able to test it again and give you peace of mind.
ThroatProblems - 4-Jun-14 @ 2:22 PM
I have a visible lump on my throat but i dont feel any pain or any feelings there, just the visible lump. And its been there for two years now Could anything serious be wrong with me? cause i visited the hospital and they did thyroid function test for and the result was okay. Thanks.
JET - 4-Jun-14 @ 12:50 PM
I have it too. Makes me feel like I need to be sick. However I don't. It bugging me. Been drinking Lemsip to help kinda does but then feel bad again. Just want it to clear :'(
rossy - 26-Dec-13 @ 3:46 PM
I have been suffering from throat irritation for almost over 2 years. I have been visiting GPs and ENTs few times. After having through check up no problems have been noticed. However, I am still having throat irritation, breathing problem and coughing, and sometimes while drinking suddenly gets cough and breathing blockage.The above doctors could not diagnose what causes this problem. This problem is increasing day-by-day. My suffering is increasing. Pls if someone could give helpful advice.Thank You.
Krishnan - 10-Sep-12 @ 10:22 AM
Q: I have since long time ago aproblem with swallowing food or even water and after i swallow them immediatly i vomit all what i took and that sometimes happen but normaly every thing is ok, but now adays it became more worse than before however i visited adoctors and i did endoscopy for my esophageous and stomach but the result was ok nothing wrong there,however i took many medicines for that like omeprazol 40mg for 2weeks and some antibiotics but hopeless so please some specialist help me to solve my serious problem my age is 30yrs male. best regards
moonlight - 5-Aug-12 @ 11:07 PM
In 2001 I had a partial thyroidectomy due to a benign lump on my right thyroid. Had no problems until September 2011. Since then my thyroid levels have gone up and down but not enough to worry the doctor or for any medication to be necessary. Now, for the past few weeks it feels as if I have a lump in my throat and there is a click (which I can feel if I put me fingers to my throat) when I swallow. This is on the right hand side and I wondered if it could be anything to do withe operation in 2001.
Django - 27-Jun-12 @ 10:33 AM
Meedy, Not sure if you're better yet. I hope so. I went through 8 months with your problem. I was full of yeast!! Go on a yeast free diet for 3 months to start, and introduce yeast slowly. Maybe check with a Doc or naturopath.
kena - 18-Jan-12 @ 4:05 PM
Hi, I have found a few lumps on the back of my tongue. I aways seem to have sore throat all the time and have a slight white coating at the back of my tongue. PLEASE HELP!
meedy - 8-Aug-11 @ 12:48 PM
Had gall bladder taken out 3 years ago have had the sensesation that there is save omething stuck in my throat since the operation.I feel as if it is phelm sometimes I cough up green thick lumps like glue I don't smoke or drink I also had a barameal done and it showed up throat spasam. I had botex injections done but my throat is still the same I would like to know is there any other treatment that I could have?
maggie - 5-May-11 @ 3:00 AM
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